Homeschoolers Falling Behind
Homeschoolers Falling Behind It's easy as a parent to allow this to happen when homeschooling, you get tired of fighting with your child about getting up and getting school work done. It can become a pain and will cause homeschool burnout fast. As a parent, you want what is best for your child, and you want the best education possible, but you also don't want to fight about it with your child. So what is a parent to do?
Homeschoolers Falling Behind Evaluate
When this happens more and more frequently, you need to take a step back and look at your approach to what is being taught and also take a look at your child's learning style. It may have changed over the years of homeschooling. When this happens, it can be aggravating for both you and your child. It doesn't imply you have to reject everything you have intended or that you have purchased, it merely means you need to change things up and come at it with a different approach.
Homeschoolers Falling Behind Learning Style
Children change as they grow as they get older. It makes sense that so does their learning style. Their attention span may be less on some subjects and longer on others, depending on their current interests. The child who hates reading now fights with you to even read 1 page or has a hard time grasping math. So take a step back and determine how you can make learning more fun for your child or how you can bring math into reality.
Homeschoolers Falling Behind Think
Stop and think about when you were in school, were there not times you hated specific subjects or were just downright bored with them? What if the teacher had changed things up and came at those issues with a fresh approach to keep you interested, would it have helped? We as parents who homeschool need to do the same thing when our child gets into one of those ruts. Step back, regroup and come at it with a fresh approach.
Homeschoolers Falling Behind Approach
A fresh approach may mean getting help from other homeschool families or friends or neighbors who may be able to help with a subject. It is never a bad thing to ask for help while homeschooling, remember it is for your child's education! Remember to include your child in the decision on making a change; they may have that fresh approach you are looking for to make it more interesting!
Homeschoolers Falling Behind Summary
The key to homeschooling is to keep your child interested, so they don't become behind but still keep them engaged, so they get the best education at home possible.