Best Homeschool Math Games For Kids

Best Homeschool Math Games

Best Homeschool Math Games

Best Homeschool Math Games My name is Courtney and on behalf of Expert Village and in the clip I'm going to show you a game that you can play at home to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and even split. The first thing you're going to need is just a blank sheet of paper and a marker or a pen, and you're going to draw a circle on your paper and then you're going to draw a smaller inner circle. The next thing you're going to do is pick four numbers to put on the outside. I'm going to pick six, two, eight, and four, it really doesn't matter what these amounts are. For these Best Homeschool Math Games we're going to practice addition and so I'm going to pick a plus sign and I'm going to pick another number to go in the middle.

It could be 3. The object is to see how fast your child can solve each one of these equations. Three plus six, three plus two, three plus eight, and three plus four. You write the answer on the outside of the circle. Three plus six is nine, three plus two is five, three plus eight is eleven, and three plus four is seven. So, when you are teaching them the object of the game you would period them and you would get them a number to write in the middle and they would automatically begin to solve. Then you are able to do it again to see if they could beat their occasion. So, you could draw another clique and again through the same amounts or you could do different numbers.

We're going to do the same ones. But this time we're going to add applying a different amount, tell five. You'd announce "go". Five plus six is eleven, five plus two is seven, five plus eight is thirteen, and five plus four equals nine. This is a great game to practice add-on, subtraction, propagation, and separation.

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