Science Creativity Projects-Teaching Kids Creativity
Science Creativity Projects, Creativity is a subjective matter, usually thought of an innate trait and one most often thought of as other school subjects such as music and art class. You either have the creativity or you don't, right? But is that true? Can kids be taught how to be extra creative and can that occur in science class? I think so and here's why.
Science Creativity Projects-Rote Learning Smothers Creativity
In the public school setting, creative thinking and answers are often not welcomed. And it makes sense with all the testing and national demands that teachers face every day. Educators are more concerned with getting their students to pass standardized tests than promoting new ways to think and creative ways to approach old problems. Luckily, as a homeschool teacher, you can get past those obstacles to creativity.
Science Creativity Projects
The most significant obstacle to promoting creativity in the classroom is rote learning - asking your kids to memorize facts out of context merely. There's nothing creative about that type of education, and it can be harmful in the way it hinders kids from thinking outside the box or producing answers their own way.
Look at this example. If you are teaching astronomy this semester, you probably studying the solar system and the planets which, revolve around the sun. That's a fact, and it is a boring one. Your kids might be learning the names and orders of all those planets, again a point but not one that gets kids excited. And studying those stray facts doesn't result in the excellent recall because they don't connect with things within the youth's environment.
Science Creativity Projects-Exploration
It doesn't matter what material you are teaching in your homeschool; it can include creative learning by teaching children how to investigate problems and create solutions. Children become more creative when given "what if" questions and allowed to research to find answers.
In the previous example, a simple way to be creative is to ask the kids to construct a model of the solar system while determining color choices based on each planet's atmosphere is. While you do it, have your kids investigate if human might be able to live on other planets. Ask them about the things necessary to support life and consider which planets are most likely to contain those elements. There was a new scientific discovery of a new world in the Alpha Centauri system near to our own that has a comparable in size to Earth. Exploring science news such as this promotes creative exploration.
Science Creativity Projects-Experimentation
When teaching science, experimentation must be an essential part of the curriculum. There are few things greater at developing creativity than the capacity to form hypotheses and then conduct experiments to find out whether they are true or false. The less information a child has, the more likely those hypotheses are to be way out there, but that's fine. He can sharpen his skills based on facts about the natural world as he learns the basics of science. Making errors are part of creativity because it drives to an exploration and how to get it right answer with the next project.
Science Creativity Projects Summary
Handing kids the answers to every problem and asking them to memorize those facts is one way to teach science, but a more productive way that also encourages creativity is by enabling them to search for knowledge. Guide them get passionate about the miracles of the natural world, and they are sure to study of all kinds of wonderful new ideas. Creativity can be taught as long as the homeschool classroom encourages it.