National Homeschool Statistics-Reasons To Homeschool

National Homeschool Statistics

National Homeschool Statistics

National Homeschool Statistics, Attending school every day just isn't like it used to be when we were kids. Children are growing up quickly in a fast-paced world, and the impact of peer influence, bullying, and drug and alcohol use has become a reality in our country's public and private schools. Parents investigating an alternative education program for their kids are utilizing more often to homeschooling as an education choice. This article is intended to present some impressive homeschooling statistics that describe facts, and percentages of students in homeschool. The principal reasons why parents choose to homeschool their children. If you are at a crossroads of determining the appropriate education method for your children, hopefully, this data will help you in reaching your decision.

National Homeschool Statistics

The National Center for Education Statistics survey revealed that approximately 2% of children ages 5-17 are in homeschool. The definition of homeschooling for this study is kids who spend less than 25 hours per week in school and are at least partially schooled in their home.

National Homeschool Statistics

Roughly 2 million homeschool children in this country.
Homeschooling doesn't mean a life of isolation. Many sports facilities have individual sessions during school hours, to serve and draw in homeschool kids and their parents.

The top 3 reasons parents choose to homeschool their children are as follows: Concern regarding the school environment (30%), want to implement religious and moral education for their kids (27%) and displeasure with the educational instruction (17%) presented at the district school.

National Homeschool Statistics

Parents listed the most significant motivation for their choice to homeschool was to implement a religious and moral education for their children, followed by concern for the school environment, and lastly, lack of satisfaction with the educational instruction was the final reason quoted.
Homeschooling statistics by the U.S. Department of Education kept year to year. Below are some relevant data about the background of the families who homeschool their children. Most parents have some college classes or vocational education. Twenty-five percent have Bachelor Degrees. Twenty-two percent have Masters or advanced college degrees.

National Homeschool Statistics

Homeschool data show the gender group of homeschooled students is equally divided between males and females. The majority of homeschool households had two parents and 2 or more children. Geographic demographics of these families split down the middle, half of the families are city dwellers, and the other half live in rural areas.

43% of homeschool students are in grades Kindergarten-5th grade, 28% 6th-8th grade and 29% 9th-12th. Of the children who are in homeschool, 82% of that them are entirely educated at home, while 18% are attending a school part-time, approximately 9 hours per week. While public schooled children have 49% of parents that are dual income, 56% of private schooled children have two job families, while only about 25% of homeschool students have both parents working. While about 40% public and private school students come from families with more than three children, 62% of homeschool children have 2 or more siblings.

National Homeschool Statistics

Your decision to homeschool should not be based on statistics only but also need your parental sense to know what is best for your child's education. Carefully consider the pros and cons of homeschool and, available time and resources to teach the lessons needed, and social considerations such as sports activities and clubs your child enjoys. Hopefully, these homeschool statistics will help you in making the most significant decision for your child's future.