Personality Math Curriculum Increasing Math Performance

Personality Math Curriculum

Personality Math Curriculum

Personality Math Curriculum, Since math is one of your homeschool subjects to be taught and learned abstractly, you may very well see a corresponding lack of liveliness, interest, and enthusiasm for the item. But you can make it more agreeable and invite by infusing and animating it with a bit of character and personality. This enhancement, beyond being merely useful, also touches on the exact nature and deeper qualities of math.

Personality Math Curriculum Foundations

Laying a healthy and confident foundation in your homeschool math first-grade curriculum is essential. Regrouping interest and confidence in math later, once it's gone, is challenging to downright impossible. It's so much wiser and better to establish a warm, friendly relationship from the start. This link shouldn't be obscure or unfocused, however. There is much to be found in the heart, and at the roots of math, that can naturally arouse interest and even affection!

Personality Math Curriculum Practice

Introduce each of the numbers in the first grade, attending to each one individually by using stories and images that capture its unique essence. Devote a full teaching block of three to four weeks to the numbers 1-12 by telling and illustrating classic stories about such relevant subjects as the sun for the number 1, or bees and a beehive for the number 6. This storytelling is an investment that will yield a lasting and positive relationship with math for all of your students while ensuring the overall success of your homeschool math curriculum.

After introducing the numbers, the next step is to bring them together so they can interrelate. Teaching all four processes at once using simple and straightforward equations promotes greater student understanding. Seeing the big picture in this way is reassuring because there won't be any daunting, unknown surprises with multiplication and division if addition and subtraction skills are excellent. Personalize the four processes by applying and relating the four temperaments to them.

Personality Math Curriculum History

The four temperaments were first discovered and used for medical and philosophical purposes some 2,500 years ago by Hippocrates and Plato, respectively. This concept resurfaced in the Middle Ages, and though the causal links between them and health and personality have not stood the test of time, more recent personality analysis via the four temperaments is efficiently and widely used. They can be successfully applied to your homeschool math curriculum as well.

Personality Math Curriculum Temperaments

Attributing temperament personalities to the four processes helps a great deal toward a greater understanding as well as proper, successful use. Colorful costumes, along with stories and plays, characterize and illustrate each unique traits and the way they all interact. This understanding can also be a first look at how math intersects and interconnects on a deep and vital level while giving it a dynamic and exciting face that will comfortably hold any student's attention and interest.

Personality Math Curriculum Summary

Applying personalities to elements of your homeschool math curriculum can bring out the social nature of the subject, and also reflect on your students' interaction with others. This skill can not only enhance family, peer, and community relationships but also make math more vital in a supported and relevant way. When the heart is engaged, any subject is more natural to teach and learn. Make your homeschool math curriculum lessons exciting, fun, and successful by ensuring that they are more user-friendly, personable, and practical.