Homeschool Grading Policy

Homeschool Grading Policy-Transcripts and Grades

Homeschool Grading Policy-Transcripts and Grades Homeschool Grading Policy, Many homeschooling parents operate with the assumption that grading and learning don’t go together, and that grading, is a recent discovery and should be not used in homeschool. […]
Interest-Led Learning

Interest-Led Learning-Homeschool Curriculum Choice

Interest-Led Learning Child-Led Curriculum Interest-Led Learning, Are your hard to teach kids struggling with attention? Do you wish you could spice things up to gain the upper hand? Why not try interest led learning? Here […]
Fragment Learning Online

Fragment Learning Online-Random Learning Brain Recall

Fragment Learning Online – Extensive Data in Quick Bite-Sized Intervals and Brain Recall Fragment Learning Online, Okay so, perhaps like me you are a news junkie, and you surf all the technology and science articles, and […]
Homeschool Co-op Ideas

Homeschool Co-op Ideas-Before You Join A Cooperative

Homeschool Co-op Ideas-Before You Join Homeschool Co-op Ideas, There are multiple benefits when you join a homeschool cooperative such as student interaction, joint teaching, assistance, motivation, and fun! But possibly you are asking, “Are there limitations to […]
Science Creativity Projects

Science Creativity Projects-Teaching Creative Thinking

Science Creativity Projects-Teaching Kids Creativity Science Creativity Projects, Creativity is a subjective matter, usually thought of an innate trait and one most often thought of as other school subjects such as music and art class. […]