Lesson Plan Philosophy-A Guide to Writing Homeschool Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan Philosophy, Writing homeschool lesson plans isn't as difficult as it usually seems at first to homeschool teachers trying their hand at it the first time. All you need is a little primer on what exactly goes into the writing of the lesson plan. How do you begin each lesson with your child? The most important thing to remember when writing homeschool lesson plans is that each new experience needs to connect to a previous reading in a pronounced way.
Lesson Plan Philosophy Basis
Each lesson must touch on points made in previous experience and take those ideas forward. It should all be a continuum. That's what makes lessons easy for a child to understand and remember. It could help a child flex her mental muscles and get psychologically ready for an experience if she could begin each lesson with a few questions that ask her to recall what she learned in the previous lesson. Warming up on activities like this can set the mood.
Lesson Plan Philosophy Varied Methods
A lesson plan must have a variety of learning techniques to keep students engaged in the lesson. If all it needs is a lot of lecturing, you're guaranteed to get your child all bored. You could break experience down into its constituent points to that the child can read up quickly on her own; you can then explain the ends with little instruction; you can find activities to use that would help a child learn the lesson taught.
Lesson Plan Philosophy Activities
One of the best parts of being allowed to write homeschool lesson plans on your own is that you get to remedy everything that you see to be wanting in public-school lesson plans. For instance, in homeschool, every lesson can be followed by a great deal of guided activity and practice, to help bring a lesson home to the child.
Lesson Plan Philosophy Ideas
These activities can involve having the child do a little research by herself; it can be practicing with workbooks that you've bought for the purpose; it could be a debate session where you and your child argue over what might be the best way to interpret a lesson. It helps both parent and child get a sense of what a reading is all about. It's all about exploring, interactivity and challenging each other.
Lesson Plan Philosophy Summary
Finally, you come to where you assess and test your child for the learning of that day. Every day in homeschool, in fact, every lesson in homeschool should end with a kind of test that assesses learning that far. Setting general quizzes (called summative assessments by those who like technical terms) are the norm in homeschool testing. You could, however, just as well, use formative tests. These tests are where you keep asking your child questions about what she is learning as and when the learning takes place (not at the end of the day).
Homeschool lesson plans are supposed to be all about doing things at a pace your child is comfortable with and one that you are satisfied with teaching. Remember to adjust the lesson as you see fit.