Homeschool Curriculum Secret Formula For Choosing Yours

Homeschool Curriculum, Homeschooling Your Children is a Serious Undertaking You shoulder the total responsibility for your child’s educational success. It should not be a surprise that many homeschooling parents lose sleep and have anxiety attacks about which curriculum to use when schooling their children. The truth is that there is not a Secret Formula that parents can apply that will yield the “choose any curriculum” result. In all actuality, there cannot be. Do not fear! There is a mindset that will help you through your homeschool journey.

Homeschool Curriculum Qualifications as A Teacher

As the chief educator in your home, take the time to evaluate your strengths, gifts, and weaknesses.

  • What kind of a learner are you?
  • What fundamental goals do you have for your children?
  • What subjects and topics make your heart skip a beat?
  • What subjects and topics make your stomach turn?

Once you have identified these answers, write them down. Decide what subjects you would be best suited to teach your children based on your knowledge and experience, which topics you need a bit of support material, and which items you need to find help teaching.

Homeschool Curriculum Your Children: As Learners

Your children are uniques knit together with their personality, interests, strengths, and weaknesses. All children have that “one thing” that makes their heart race with excitement. It is your job to identify that one thing. (This may not emerge for years. Keep exposing them to various opportunities, subjects, and people until it surfaces).

    • What makes their heart beat faster?
    • What makes them melt into a whining fit?
    • What are they good at learning?
    • Where do they need practice?

Homeschool Curriculum Your Plan

You need to take a few days or weeks to study your strengths/passions/and goals and compare them to your child’s learning styles/passions/needs. Know that your state will have an established list of subjects they believe you need to teach your children: Math, English, History, and Science. Are you prepared to explain each of those subjects?

Find a program or list of objectives for each subject. You can find this by doing a simple search online, or by visiting your local public school district.

Homeschool Curriculum You Are In Charge

Remember: you are in charge. You get to decide what your children are learning!
Purchase a teachers planner and map out (in pencil) your school year, leading by objective or goal.
Purchase, find, borrow, or create the materials necessary to complete each objective.

Homeschool Curriculum It’s All Attitude

Children sense whether those in charge are confident or are fearful. No matter what, it is best to lead with confidence. You can homeschool your children.

  • Utilize the wealth of knowledge around you.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify your child’s learning style, and do not be surprised that all your children will “>likely fit into different molds

Choose or design a program that is around your child’s passions. A soccer enthusiast will embrace discovering about statistics by studying the top world cup players in history or learning to write a personal letter by addressing it to a real-life player. Makes sense right?

Realize that Homeschooling is a Journey. It’s hard, but its worth it!