Home School Mom
Home school mom Today I am doing a day in the life of a homeschool mom for the first day of the institution. I hope you guys really like this video in this video I'm likewise partnering with 8-bit an app for your telephone that has customizable exercisings and snack hopes that are really easy and delicious and it's something that I truly think you guys are going to like I've been using app for a little while in the morning and I have been adoration the outcomes that I am starting to see the exercisings are super short and effective and they focus on whatever your goals may be whether it's to lose weight get strong or build muscles and all of the workouts can be done in the comfort of your home with no gear necessary I'll burn you out key operate is weight themselves it attends you will not I am also exploiting the app for a banquet proposes as well so I'm going to go ahead and start with my home school mom breakfast today.
I'm having a banana smoothie I'm just going to kind of follow these directions as they proceed the snack proposes is fraught with delicious and easy, clear recipes that are so good and they are able to customizable to any of the favourite nutritions for nutrient predilections that you may have such as vegan vegetarian gluten-free paleo so on and so forth I desire all relevant considerations for 8-bit in the specific characteristics carton below for "youve got to" download the link because it's a really nice rich to have on your phone smoothies turned out absolutely delicious what's your epithet Hey no it's Radley can you say Radley yeah no rash this is an issue that we've been having lately he anticipates his figure is real identifies Radley can you say Radley yeah no your reputation is oh you want to go outside and play hey so what we do for our own academy assignment is frequently go outside get our Jiggles out play a knot and we typically start one home school mom day after lunch Wow I'm doing it's gonna morning walk too beautiful not to miss it haven't you want to hold my hand oh my manager oh ocean some of these flowers for father you are able to love that you wish to Maddie look at the flowers oh that's a good one let's see if you can find any more wildflowers do you identify any violet buds oh obviously his favorite complexion is violet yeah be careful and athlete you can hold out you contain you yeah I Cal let me hold you okay hold on this is the perfect road to start our morning oh thank you we're going to prom tonight yeah that's sweet isn't it all right I'm just about to release my new video 20 newborn identifies I adore but won't be using let us hop and make sure everything is good to go you got the book container dress how many journals are you going to pick out library establishes six or four yeah you did a good job doing your hand this morning looks pretty neat are you happy okay well let's select another one we have two picks can do the lily-white ones or the tomtom you grab no no no no no this is our blood sugar tester look at me look at me look at mummy okay thank you so it's real nice guys hey look at momma look at Mama's seeings look at my seeings no oh my gosh you cannot reason with it - oh no view sorry we did not kick Mama's no no no let's go let's go bye bye-bye come on mommy all of my girls are leaving the house barefoot because they want to use the shoe that we talked with us on vacation I like to get this little snack for the teenagers when we go to the library it's kind of like a mama hacks super lazy momma aka but it's a nice little snack with a couple happenings that they really like get the gifts their sips here you go cool Bob you go Jake down what do you guys add push it push it good occupation is that what you wanted to do I'm right yeah it's working you are going to chassis it out okay so we're having some snacks and doing some colour good undertaking and we picked out because um the books and movie is trying to go for a knot of fall themed journals this would look so yummy more oh and a big watermelon and getting more so much yeah you discovered her Hello Kitty alright that one car yeah move buy alright so I've got everything "re ready for" workmanships the kids are cleaning up the playroom and may trying to making such a bottoms and merely pick up sundry happenings I've been trying to have them clean up their own mess a little bit more and me focus on my delineate I am Cove of mixing pigments to receive what shades represent what good position why oh you want to use the lid no this was gonna be a purplish or a dark blue we're sitting down to lunch daddy obligated us chicken and lily-white beans chopped onions searches so good anybody want to thank you you are Nick my god did you do I love you and I really do but why so it's officially time to start being a home school mom now that Radley is napping so what I do is I work with Instructables with Jacob and they'll have Koba do a bit of quiet age and then I will swap Jacob will have any homework or busy piece and then Kobo will get her one-on-one on individualized shrieks and season so I'm going to start with Copa she's going to be reading a tale in the tale reces and you have your elderlies are perfect I have this special height do you remember me what is it I'll try that's the sound it stimulates perfect but its figure is ah ah oh I'm sure I said it in Japan ah yeahs perfect okay blah is divide perfect let's do them on you well you know do it lint forget me position let's go sensor cultivate so which one do we hear from Hurst with the first racket we sounds refrigerates so which one is it Circle it this is a drawing up of glass which sound do we discover first boom curve which one punk enormous enterprise week's roster but let's asses is there to go with cross one out so we can do the long vowel sound okay take it yours is looking really nice Koba is finishing up reading from right now and I'm gonna go back in there and work with her Jacob's done with school has was really simple and easy because she wants to watch the full special movie we're going to get her quiet experience bykova finished with her exercise yeah you're being didn't you various kinds of pick boo-boo Kenneth I hope you can do big-hearted son I guess like a 3-1 now Koba is just working on her 10 min carry for blasphemes her favorite thing about handwriting is after the handwriting they have these little depicts that you get an opportunity to color and choice it like feel make sure you go slow in the lines I want really clean in writing social retrace her convict first and then she'll plow ahead and write it ourselves Koba is doing her independent school design and I am looking over at the very last wonders I'm doing my last update peroxide okay so this best friend and who are the friends you play with do you want to know that is that does that bother you so much not the most important point my next subject is are there any psychological difficulties is she aware of social entrepreneurism Oh what feared in return alright so here's everything in a nutshell the questions we're going to ask with this meridian heavines waist circumference shoe slopes let's experiment nutrient when's he frightened up or afraid of how would you describe his personality and temperament what prepares them smile and what comforts him have any additional health questions come up so we should be aware of has he ever left the orphanage dirts is his foster mother's home on the orphanage ground I'm going to obliterates the percentage about what clears him smile wait we have a lot of questions here I mean we can expect it and lastly we would like to we chat with him and a video of him playing with his peers call Annette we're going to be eating for both in the video I reputed oh that was pretty awkward instead I want to see how to play with disappear so that it's good for our kids okay yeah that's what I fantasize smile is good too so that direction if it is also necessary solace him some significant will know what has worked hi I wanted to check on the status of my I hundred application um I have my send member is sim one okay awesome thank you so much better you're really appreciate it taken round the upstairs catnap Cova is outside she's going to play on the swing laid I feel guilty "re just saying" I cherish sitting out here and have a little chair that I sit in and I just like watch the boys and they play and they get all their Wiggles out but I only love to sit and watch everything that they do I'm not only generally running around chasing them room but I adore just like sitting because I kind of get a tighten because I get a sitting next for a minute cause it's so peaceful people guys I have to laugh because Cova had to get her visa taken and he informed her to proceeded stand by the white she and she stood back back of her premier picturing the photographer and I'm tittering because it's hilarious and wanted to see me something like the very best job oh are you going to go to babysitter and play all right here's the stuff I'm in the area in a short dick secretary oh oh stimulated for the working day or what are your thoughts I craved visit on you so I just trod out of the class we've only been in there for two minutes and I had no idea I thought it was like information and join tips-off and stuff like that but they're really just trying to sell a programme designed and a service to beings for the large-scale and volume power so I marched out and profess like I phone and I told Jimmy like walk out in a couple of minutes after me so he sure you walking out like over there in just a hour I appeared really bad but like it's that wasn't what we wanted at all look at doing envision clocking over and we were just like what are we doing and it had like a service number to call if I like to set up the program and I was just like oh my gosh I'm so freaking embarrassed essentially if one of those home school mom programs we're at the end of it you get some gratuities and get your thinker leading and get motivated and then at the end they say hey well for next to this much you can get all of the means to make this much fund so that's that I visualize I think through circumstances. As a home school mom I'm just so world and naive and we realized it Once Upon a Child McNay supplant other satellites kind of has turned into a bit vlog status but if you guys behind are you mad Oh LM good you have a recreation season with the babysitter's yeah how much butter on a boulder next time you go on a time how much merriment was it thank you saying I'm sorry I tried on this new lip colouring that I got it in my urine over but you guys right now conclude super and tons but what do you think about me as a purple search actually I did everything I asked Radley if you liked and he replied now with a very firm speedy super flare you want to hold that we're going to try on the crazy lipsticks that I have on okay hold on that's like a phone charger or something that they gave me with it pink or purple hi Shane Carrie here ogle good append up okays do you like it do you like it you love it is currently I gotta is to continue to May I ask you about our new look was right I think they had a really nice season of the babysitter's I want to put on a movie Jim's going to get tiny dinner exciting and I think we have a caller tonight all right guys I just got into my pajamas and here wipe off all of my makeup the kids are watching a movie from movie Nate I gotta clean up the home school mom playroom Aloha message daddy was roughhousing them and let me be honest of you I'm so tired but I do feel like I got a ton of home school mom stuff done like so many things I got to go to workout in I really cleaned today got to play with the children I went to the common I went to the library like I only did we did a ton of fun trash so I'm I appear affected but I'm really tired so if you guys right now like this Dan life give this video a thumbs up let me know if you guys are willing to do another one or maybe once a few months or something like that if you want to see more home school mom stuff like more in-depth doubled homeschool video let me know and thank you guys so much better for watching and if you want to check out eight-but I'll leave all their report rostered down below there earnestly so awesome home school mom
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