Most Expensive Homeschool Curriculum-Save Time and Money Homeschool Software - Saving Time, Money and Effort on Home Education
Homeschool software is the future of home education. Full feature curriculums that deliver outstanding value for both the student and teacher alike are now available, and the newer programs do it faster, easier, and less expensively than any other homeschool curriculum on the market.
Homeschool learning programs can now deliver complete grade levels for the home educator that do all the grading, scheduling, and record-keeping that is required. Not only are the programs a snap for the teacher, but the kids love the versatility of being connected to the enormous learning potential of the internet.
Most Expensive Homeschool Curriculum-Save Time and Money Low Cost
One of the most attractive features of homeschool software is its price tag. Most online schools, either 'virtual schools' or 'boxed curriculums,' are likely to cost you at least a thousand dollars going in, and that's without all the bells and whistles. A top of the line 'virtual' school for a middle-school student can cost upwards of $7000.
Many of the online schools that are offering textbook curriculums are also likely to charge an additional $100 shipping for all those heavy books. Add in the occasional CD throughout the school year for about $7.95 plus S+H, and the costs add up.
A top of the line homeschool software program, on the other hand, will cost you around $320, if you figure in the discounts that are commonly available on their websites. These stand-alone software curriculums do not have extra add-ons throughout the year after you purchase the program you can put your wallet away. Another attractive feature is that publishing companies also offer Free Shipping.
Most Expensive Homeschool Curriculum-Save Time and Money Ease of Use
The software automatically takes care of the grading, scheduling, and record-keeping in the homeschool curriculums. Load the course into the computer, set your preferences, and let the machine take over. There are even pop-up reminders that will tell your students when an assignment is overdue. Once you have set up your cover school, it is a straightforward matter of transferring files to fulfill your legal requirements as far as the State is concerned. Homeschooling from an educator's point of view has never been more relaxed.
Most Expensive Homeschool Curriculum-Save Time and Money Anyone can do it. There is no need to be concerned about whether you are up to the task or not. If you can load a CD into your computers CD-ROM, and follow a few simple on-screen commands, you can be a world-class teacher. Grade curriculums from PreSchool to Graduation are available, so even if you never graduated yourself, you can guide your students through school. So what if your algebra is a little rusty? If your student is having a little trouble with a subject, the learning program will keep approaching it from different angles until your student can score at least 80% proficiency.
Fun and engaging
The versatility of homeschool curriculum software makes it a perfect learning medium. Hyper-linked to the internet, the software presents limitless learning opportunities. If your child is studying the Amazon, a simple link can have them instantly transported to the deepest reaches of the rain forest. Another link may throw them into the throat of an active volcano. It is an engaging and entertaining learning adventure that the kids love, and any child that still has their nose stuck in a book is missing out.
Established Learning Medium
There are currently over 10,000 schools in 42 states that are aggressively using computers as a learning tool. Most states now have 'Distance-Learning programs that use the equipment to deliver lessons and grades, and most of the high-priced schools that function online operate primarily through the internet. Using the computer as a learning tool is a well-established precedent.
The appearance of a full feature stand-alone software curriculum is a welcome sight in the homeschooling community. In a profession that has long been governed by expensive online schools and packaged curriculums, homeschool software is a breath of fresh air.
Families that would have liked to homeschool but were unable to because of cost or the labor-intensive requirements of most other curriculums are now finding it entirely possible to give their kids a high-quality homeschool education with a minimum of effort.