Organize Homeschool
Organize Homeschool Hi, everyone. So in this video, I want to show you one style to teach your children how to throw happenings back where they belong. So right here, I have three adjoining baskets, and let me only swiftly tell you where I get these. So I got these at Dollar Tree. I got them lately, and I ensure them, and I was like, "Oh, these are beautiful baskets. They have a handle on them just like that, and they're bright pink; they're fun for kids, so yeah. So they're just fun. They come in three different colors. I like them in pink, dark-green, blue-blooded, and I suppose there was a yellow also. But yeah, for a dollar, it's a great tool to organize homeschool. OK. So teaching kids where to throw happenings back, so in this example, we will use a load of journals. These three bins and color-coded stickers, which I'll provide a link below in the description of where you can get these in like 25 different colorings. If you don't have color-coded stickers, all you can do is cut off like a square or a piece of construction paper and then only use it with tape to videotape it on to these baskets.
All right. So, one style to teach kids where to throw happenings back is to play a matching game. So, in this case, what I'm going to do is I'm going to put one color fleck sticker in each bin. So I'm going to apply a blue-blooded sticker on this container right here, then I'm going to use a beautiful, bright orange sticker on the second bin, and then I'm going to apply a dark-green sticker on this bin. Just like that. OK. So once you pick your colorings, then you're going to ascribe categories to each of the colorings. So, for example, what is it you people want blue-blooded to stand for now? We're going to say that blue stands for animal journals. And then we're going to say that orange stands for auto journals. And then we're going to say that dark-green stands for superhero journals. So then, once you ascribe a category, you want to write your group somehow down to your basket. In this case, we are going to use the photo descriptions that I have created.
Nice and easy-going. So we're going to do this with two more journals. OK. So this notebook will pretend like this notebook is an auto-journal, which it's not really, but we are just going to pretend like it is. So we have an orange sticker to organize homeschool journals. Throw them on the back. And you can even do this with your kids. Like it's fun to stick the label on it. So when you're setting up this system, have your children be involved. Let them throw the sticker on. Let them play video games and pronounce, "OK.
Orange belongs here." And have them region the book inside of the orange basket. Yeah, that wasn't very comfortable, to say so. All right. A new green journal. So we are to be able to pretend this notebook is an auto journal. Patently, it's not a daily diary, but we're going to pretend like it is. So I throw my dark-green sticker right there and then applied it inside of the dark-green basket. So there you go. That's how you set up an easy to use the intuitive method that's very simple to have your kids applied happenings away in the right smudge by only playing a matching game. If you can just set this up with your children and teach them how to give it, you can execute it by using the system. You have to tell them to use the system and show them how to do that.
If you can do that systematically, it's going to make a big difference in how well you can learn your kids where happenings proceed. So I hope this video was helpful. If you want to know where you can get my photo, descriptions go to Alejandra. TV. You can download them from there. And then, I will also throw a link to find the color-coded fleck stickers in 25 colorings. If you want more organizing videos or tips, see my website at Alejandra. TV. And I'll see you soon. Bye! 2.
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