Homeschool Writing Class Using Home Photography

Homeschool Writing Class

Homeschool Writing Class

Homeschool Writing Class Summertime: Write About an Image This is Lily Iatridis with some summertime writing acts for you and your kids to enjoy. Now, you've heard them speaking a word-painting is worth hundreds of thousands of terms. That's true. Why not get your kids to take some fascinating photographs to look at for Homeschool Writing Class? For example, on National Geographic's photography site, they post new pictures daily, and they're gorgeous. These photos are from professional photographers all over "the worlds, go visit," and they're of various types of natural scenes or places in nature from all of all the countries. You've visited the website sometime at National Geographic. Have your minors pick a photo they like that they find interesting and they are unable to be talking about it in a wide variety of ways.

Photos as Inspiration

For example, they are unable just write what they are presented in the photo, what's going on. They can create a story around a photo. With one of my blog posts recently, I published a photo from the National Geographic site of a little babe fox stepping through the dessert with high winds blowing in his face. What a great start to some interesting animal undertaking story. They can place themselves inside the photo if it's some really interesting natural scenery.

What do they look, discover, experience, savor, touching and smell if they're in that fixed? Also, if your minors are into art, if they do art or do some kind of photography, they are unable to analyze the composition of the photo. What induces that particular photo so striking or so interesting. Those are just got a couple of opinions for you on how to use photography for great writing promptings or how to use paints to rekindle interesting writing and concerning imaginative opinions from your minors that they can put down on paper. This is Lily Iatridis. Thanks very much for listening to this video. For more, please visit our YouTube channel or our blog at Thanks ..

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